Effect (P1) | how much the operator effects the outcome |
Feedback (P2) | how much of the result is feeback into the operator. This may be negative producing an inverted feedback. |
Delay (P3) | modulatable delaytime. |
Cut-Off (P4) | The filter cut-off is the frequency where the filter becomes active. |
Resonance (P5) | Resonance attenuates the sound around the cut-off frequency. A value of1.0 means no attenuation and higher values will lead to stronger attentuations.If you turn up this too far, that the filter will begin to oszillate (quwiek). |
Ampf | final amplification |
Type | what kind of Filter do you want it to be |
Dry | determines how the propotion of the dry signal from the effect-parameter is calculated |
Interpolation (I1) | how to calculate (smooth) inbetween data |