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Function [up] [down]
Generates Delays, Echos, Flanger plus some really wiered fx and much more

Parameter [up] [down]
Effect (P1)how much the operator effects the outcome
Feedback (P2)how much of the result is feeback into the operator. This may be negative producing an inverted feedback.
Delay (P3)modulatable delaytime.
Cut-Off (P4)The filter cut-off is the frequency where the filter becomes active.
Resonance (P5)Resonance attenuates the sound around the cut-off frequency. A value of1.0 means no attenuation and higher values will lead to stronger attentuations.If you turn up this too far, that the filter will begin to oszillate (quwiek).
Ampffinal amplification
Typewhat kind of Filter do you want it to be
Drydetermines how the propotion of the dry signal from the effect-parameter is calculated
Interpolation (I1)how to calculate (smooth) inbetween data

Notes [up] [down]
see Delay and Filter-StateVariable

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001